Alabama Getaway, Walkin' Blues, So Many Roads, Easy Answers, Don't Ease Me In, Unbroken Chain
Set 2
Samson & Delilah, Way To Go Home, Crazy Fingers, Corinna-> Mathilda-> Drums-> Space-> I Need A Miracle-> Stella Blue-> Not Fade Away, E: Brokedown Palace
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January 26, 2025 Subject:
Stella Blue->outro jam -NFA
Just listen to that Stell Blue guitar outro Holy hell that's AWESOME EXCELLENT sounding SBD too (too rare for 95)
Reviewer:grateful phishmon
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July 25, 2021 Subject:
Better than you think
I almost blew off this show because I was catching a cold. Took the Coracidin and went anyway -- good move! This is my first time hearing a soundboard of this show, and frankly, Unbroken Chain is not nearly as off as people think it is. OK, maybe there's a riff Jerry's supposed to be playing that he isn't, but what he does play at least makes sense with the chord changes. It's an awkward beginning, but nobody was listening that hard; most were screaming so loud that the band could hardly be heard. In the second set, yes there are some flubs. Jerry's teleprompter must have been late coming on for Crazy Fingers, as he totally butchers the first couple verses, then sings the rest of it not too badly. He also gets cut off by Bob on Samson and responds by tossing some licks in and around the vocals, as if to say, "Hey, I wasn't done yet!" The first part of the jam in CF is a bit awkward, but the second part shines, and the outro jam -- well just listen, when he goes into that Cm - G section, just wow. The less said about Long Way to Hear This, the better, and Corinna as well, but there's a nice jam coming out of Corinna before Jerry decides to sing what he knows of Mathilda over and over. Drums>Space is really long here, as is typical of 95, because, well, it was often the best part of the show. You can really fly away into this space. Miracle is what it is (sucks), but Stella is a tour de force by Senor Garcia. Not Fade has some hotness as well. Actually, the only thing really wrong with this show is that it's so short.
September 27, 2019 Subject:
bread crumb
I sang a little while and then flew on.
March 19, 2019 Subject:
One last show
This marked the final of 25 times I saw the Dead. Was the first show for one of my buddies. Glad he got to experience a show. Funny thing is I only saw "Alabama Getaway" as the opening song twice in 25 shows -- my first (April 9, 1982, at the Rochester War Memorial) and last (this one).
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March 1, 2019 Subject:
My second show
There is nothing that compares to hearing the crowd when we all realized it was the first Unbroken... it's better sounding than the cassette i still have almost 24 years later to the day... thank you! 13
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July 26, 2018 Subject:
Sounds good.
This show has a great mix, wonderful vocals from Bob, spirited piano from Vince, and Jerry pulls off some solid licks throughout. The Unbroken Chain isn't all that, but Alabama is fun to hear.
June 5, 2018 Subject:
Not bad.
Even though the first set is only 6 songs, it finishes with a first-ever-played song. Second set has a few more unique moments, an excellent space, and a heartfelt setlist for the last Philly Spectrum Dead show ever. Jerry even milks the last drop vocally out of NFA. Thanks Charlie!
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March 19, 2017 Subject:
This show is not bad for '95, but I hesitate to call it good. Jerry is actually pulling out a few hot licks here and there. The Unbroken Chain is nice to hear songwise but unimpressive rendition-wise, and I am bummed that they never brought it out when Jerry could still play well enough to handle the transitions. The whole band seems to be slightly off today, Jerry not much more than everyone else; on other '95 shows, the rest of the band tends to play very well with Garcia lagging; here, he's almost leading.